Monday 17 March 2014

The left is left with no option...


                                         The left has seen few colorful victories in Thiruvananthapuram Loksabha constituency even though it has been won by Congress 50% of the time since 1951*. The most colorful victory for the Communists happened when the former CM of Kerala and CPI leader Shri. P.K.Vasudevan Nair won in 2004 in a fierce triangular contest. In the same election we saw BJP emerging as an important force in Thiruvananthapuram. Ten years later there is a lull in the left camp. Bennet Abraham, their candidate has been alleged of grabbing the seat by directly paying to A.B. Bardhan in Delhi.

He doesn't look like a traditional left candidate says the CPM local committee member Marappalam Vijaya Kumar in Pattom. Vijaya Kumar has been working as a foot soldier for the party for the last 40 years and claims that he has selflessly served the party without expecting any rewards. " I get goose bumps when I see the red flag with sickle hammer and star fluttering", his eyes filled up when he said that.  Never ever before he has been dissolute the way he is today. I asked him whom would he vote in the current scenario. He gave a wry smile and said ," I wouldn't waste my vote on NOTA. I would vote for the most honest candidate this time". That says it all. I watched Vijaya Kumar walking away from me in a waddling gait smoking his favourite filter less Cigarette.  A puff of smoke released from his nostrils dissolved into the thick air and that reminded me of his party's pathetic situation now. 

*Thiruvananthapuram was a Loksabha constituency of Travancore-Cochin in 1951.

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