Thursday 6 March 2014

Who is Abdul Nasser Madani?

                                  Who  is Abdul Nasser Madani ? President of India? Former president of India? Prime minister? Minister? MLA? MP? Why were Pinarayi Vijayan, the state secretary of the CPI(M), M.I.Shanavas, Congress M.P. from Waynad, E.T.Muhammed Basheer, Muslim League M.P. from Ponnani, C.Divakaran, former minister and MLA from CPI and leaders from other political parties except BJP contesting each other to take a snap with Abdul Nasser Madani when he came on a parole from Bangalore Jail for his daughter’s marriage? They say Madani is the epitome of secularism and has been falsely accused of involving in 2008 Bangalore serial blasts. Let’s assume that he is innocent, but does that make him an angel being praised and surrounded by top leaders of various political parties? And does it justify the Kerala assembly’s unanimous resolution on March 16, 2006, seeking the release of Madani?  Don’t these political eunuchs know that there are 60 odd criminal cases filed against Madani for instigating Communal violence and terror activities in Kerala? Although the Karnataka Congress government has opposed his bail application every time his counsel applied for one, citing that he is not innocent, I would rather not talk on his culpability in that particular case here. 

                                   I would want to take you to the 90’s when Madani founded an outfit called Islamic Sevak Sangh(ISS). ISS was set up in 1989, much before the demolition of the disputed structure in Ayodhya. ISS started persecution of Hindus as soon as they gained strength in Kerala. The first aggression came on 1st April, 1992 when Madani’s ISS tried sparking riots all over Kerala. Again I would want to bring to your notice that this was way before December 6, 1992 when disputed structure at Ayodhya was demolished. The ISS started bruiting a false story in 6 southern districts of Kerala that Babri Masjid has been demolished and 900 Muslims who tried to protect the Masjid were killed in Police firing. The story was announced through speakers tied to vehicles and circumambulated around various districts. The aftermath of this activity was real holocaust. April 1, 1992 saw the biggest assault on Hindus after the Mapillah rebellion in 1921. 

1.  ISS activists completely destroyed Sree Narayana Guru Mandiram in Kilikollur, Kollam by setting it to fire

2.   200 Muslims  yelled “Allahu Akbar” carrying swords and other weapons and attacked Hindu homes in Kattavilla in Kollam. Women and Children were attacked. 15 houses and 7 sevens shops were completely destroyed.

3.  In poovar, Thiruvananthapuram, ISS terrorists attacked several houses. 15 houses were attacked by pelting stones. Flags of BJP and BMS was burned.

4.  The famous Ochira shiva Temple Gopuram was also attacked by Madani’s goons. They pelt stones at the gopuram and then blocked national highway. They also attacked several vehicles. 

                                   Madani went around Kerala giving inflammatory speeches, instigated his party men to trigger more communal violence. He visited Poonthura, a fishing hamlet near Thiruvananthapuram  on 30th June 1992 and organized a meeting. He exhorted Muslims to chase Hindus away from the locality. On July 19, 1992 Muslim mob started rampaging Hindu homes and property. Hindus took up the challenge to defend and the riots lasted till July 22, 1992. 100s of Hindu houses were burnt and many killed. The police was dormant because the UDF government at that time didn’t want to lose the Muslim vote bank by a police action on the rioters. The Hindu victims were from backward Dheevara caste. Ironically Madani has been telling that he formed ISS to protect Muslims and backward caste Hindus from the persecution  by Brahmin dominated RSS.  

                                   Eventually ISS was banned in 1992 December. However, it re-surfaced in the name PDP in 1994.

(Next: Terror activities by Madani’s PDP)
Photo courtesy: Deccan Chronicle

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