Friday 11 April 2014

Who has the history of disrespecting women in India?

The entire Malayalam media, on the new year’s day of 2004, came out with news glorifying Rahul Gandhi’s stay of 3 days and 2 nights with his Venezuelan girl friend Veronica in a lake resort in Kumarakom backwaters in Kerala. Media found nothing wrong in an unmarried celebrity couple staying together in the confines of their hotel room for 2 nights. Instead they celebrated the sexual amalgamation of the unofficial heir of India and a white foreign woman in God’s own country. IPC 477 too didn’t appear to any media pundit’s wits that time. The same media is now silent about the whereabouts of Veronica. Veronica who was seen with Rahul Gandhi everywhere from a cricket match to Kumarakom backwaters is not seen with him anymore. Some media, however, reported that Rahul’s long time girlfriend has been told to bow out to protect his political career.  Rahul Gandhi, who used a girl for many years and then dumped her for the sake of his political career, is now accusing BJP of disrespecting women. Ludicrous isn’t it? 

It was only as recent as in February 2014 a 49 year old woman called Radha, who made her both ends meet by sweeping the floors of  the Congress office in Nilambur in Kerala, was murdered by the personal assistant of Kerala Minister Aryadan Mohammed and his confidant in the same office. Not only they murdered her mercilessly but stuffed her body in a sack and dumped it in a pond. None of us doubt that Mr. Gandhi is amnesiac to forget this incident so easily. Mr.Gandhi should stop spitting in the air lying on his back and invoke people’s sardonic laughter.

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