Wednesday 26 February 2014

Godhra train burning and the lies spread in Kerala

In Kerala, as bruited by secular CPM, Congress and Muslim League, most people believe that Sabarmati express train was burned by Hindu mobs to kill Muslims inside the train. The truth is conveniently buried by pseudo secular forces in Kerala. Sabarmati express train starts its journey from Varanasi and ends at Ahmedabad. The train had filled with Karsevaks returning from Ayodhya on the fateful day of February 27th, 2002. A Muslim mob around 2000, led by Mehmud Hussain Kalota, convener of the Congress district minority cell and president of the Godhra municipality, attacked the train with petrol, kerosene and weapons like Gupti, sphere and swords. 58 Karsevaks, including 25 Women and 15 Children were burnt alive. All the dead were HINDUS and not MUSLIMS as bruited by Kerala "secular" media and "secular" political parties. 
If you "the secular Malayali" still don't believe, please see below the list of Muslim Congress leaders convicted by court for torching Sabarmati train at Godhra and killing 60 people in the train.

1. Mehmud Hussain Kalota, convener of the Congress district minority cell and president of the Godhra municipality

2- Salim Abdul Ghaffar Sheikh, president of the Panchmahal Youth Congress

3- Abdul Rehman Abdul Majid Ghantia, a known Congress worker

4- Farroukh Bhana, secretary of the district Congress committee

5- Haji Bilal, a known Congress worker 

When 31 people were convicted for Godhra TRAIN BURNING, 2 Congress men were given LIFE IMPRISONMENT and 1 was given DEATH PENALTY out of the above 5. Abdul Rehman Abdul Majid Ghantia and Farroukh Bhana have got life imprisonment and Haji Bilal has got death penalty. 

Inputs from
1. The Indian Express of March 5 2002
2. Article by Dr Suvarna Raval in Marathi daily Tarun Bharat -21st July 2002

Monday 24 February 2014

BJP in Kerala

BJP is still seen as a minnow in the political arena of Kerala. The party has been active since the mid 80's in the state, however, has never managed to win a seat either in the assembly or Loksabha. There are many reasons for this failure. I may not want to discuss the entire reasons here.  I would rather stick to the most pertinent of the reasons.  I would take you to a recent scenario... I have encountered bizarre things like some people who perambulates in the corridors of BJP offices feigning to be confidants of well known leaders, urging acquaintances to not to vote for BJP. Their justifications are absurd and surprisingly, the most educated fall prey to it. These are some of their justifications for not to vote for BJP…

1. Even the staunchest of supporters may not vote for BJP this time, then why should you vote for a losing party?

2. The candidate is unhelpful to his supporters. Why should we vote for a candidate who is unsympathetic to his followers?

3. We will start working from next elections onwards, let's forget this election...

Many people fall into this trap. Many get convinced by these obnoxious ideas. The looser will be the party on the long run and in turn the people.

Winning is important but casting your vote is equally important.  Every vote counts. If you stay away from voting, you're staying away from the democratic process. BJP will only win when each one of you vote in its favor.  Do not listen to random people. Vote according to your conscience.